Tuesday, July 24, 2007

doodle doodle

this is what what happens when i'm bored

Thursday, July 19, 2007

aww baby mime

i'm taking a course in 3d animation, i know a posted earlier about how much i don't like 3d but what can i do there are no 2d animation courses here. i asked around about this travisty and got funny looks apparently dubai ( pronounced do and buy btw) is way to modern a city to have anything to do with anything with the word traditional in it, unless it brings in tourists.
so i'm taking this course mostly to pass the time till i'm twenty and old enough by my mother's standards to leave the house and seek education outside the country.
anyway here a mime baby thing i'm in the middle of making. he's sucking his thumb. from a diffrent angle his humb is peircing his bottom lip

i'm hoping to finish him before i leave this summer

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

i'm trying to draw bugs bunny i'm not very good...
construction problems
bu this is my best on yet ...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

3d makes me cry

it hurts my head. really. i have no idea why anyone would choose to spend ages tweaking knobs and buttons all day instead of picking up a pencil and doing it the easy way. it's efficient and it's pretty.
3d needs alot of computer space and tedios work just to look half-way decent!
i blame men for this travisty no woman likes buttons (cept deedee) men on the other hand love them. men are to blame for all the twiddly bits in cars.

the only fun thing in 3d (fun for the animator not the veiwer who'd get bored and jelous) is that when u have a character all rigged and working you can stick his foot in his head and his nose in his ear. funfunfun , like virtual dolls.
sadly no-one has picked up on the market value of this
kids will love it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007


it does my heart good to see so many little boys in dresses

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


i...sorta proud of this :P